The chapbook that the sweet reader currently is considering is an abject work of thievery, grafting ridiculous nonsense onto innocent and unsuspecting illustrations that have reached an age where they should be past all ...
Death in Heels

Dark & Golden Books are pleased to be able to present 2 x Brett Ewins and Peter Milligan, a new collection of a pair of stories by Peter Milligan and Brett Ewins, unfairly out of print since their original ...
2 x Brett Ewins and Peter Milligan – Dark & Golden 005

Dark & Golden Books are pleased to be able to present Rockers and Rappers, a collection of Savage Pencil’s illustrations from music papers from the 80’s and 90’s. In its pages the reader will reacquaint ...
Rockers and Rappers – Dark & Golden 004

People have gone missing in a chilly town on the edge of the North Sea, and without leads, the police are forced to dredge the river in their search. What stirs in the silt, and flashes in the dark water?
A new ...
A Pocket Chiller: Mudchurn

Welcome back to the wild world of The Everything Agency, as girl detective April Mae takes us through a number of her greatest and strangest cases. What secrets lie behind the bar, or in the midnight forest? What lurks ...
A Pocket Chiller: Further Cases from the Forbidden Files of the Everything Agency

It May Never Happen collects the Kevin Woodcock cartoons that ran under that banner in Brain Damage and The Damage comic in 1989 and 1990. Long out of print and massively under-appreciated, the cartoons of Kevin ...
It May Never Happen – Dark & Golden 003

People are disappearing again. The prowl car detectives are on the case. What’s the connection this time? Could it be something to do with a series of paintings of flowers, or is there something else binding the lost ...
A Pocket Chiller: Flower Power

Housebound, scarred, and locked inside a riddle. This is what happens when you stack secrets together. A house full of mysteries, a story to unlock, a past to rediscover.
Presented in colour for the very first time, ...
A Pocket Chiller: Built of Blood and Bricks

It’s Jeff. You remember Jeff. Take him home, give him something to eat. He’s an old friend. You remember Jeff.
A new horror story by Fraser Geesin (Purple Hate Balloon) and Dan Cox (Hitsville UK) that will follow ...