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Out on the lake, something is stirring. There, swimming in the dark, a woman waits for you with stories and questions. Can you answer her? Do you know the secrets of Red River, and the final case of the Everything ...

A Pocket Chiller: Ripple in the Dark


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Really Horrible Folk features yet more monologues for a choir of desperate voices concerning other traditions, borders, the geography of faces, travelling ghosts, and the horror of neighbours. The fourth of the ...

Really Horrible Folk


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"After the projectors have been shut off and the TV screens have dimmed, unwatched films dream…" The Dreams of Secret Cinema cracks open familar stories and lets free the things hidden inside. Produced from ...

The Dreams of Secret Cinema


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From time to time something gets into the old men of the town. A whisper through the hedges, a voice on the wind - a rumour of a new monster. Tasked to investigate, the prowl car team make their enquires with an ...

A Pocket Chiller: The New Monster


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Set against a sweeping backdrop of European cities, both real and not-real, Take Me To The Place I Love traces an affair across two worlds and back again, leaving space for the macabre in between. Who is the mysterious ...

A Pocket Chiller: Take Me To The Place I Love


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Life's a series of opportunities. An opportunity to go to a party, to grab some cash, to make the wrong decision. There's dancing, and laughter and in the little room at the back you can even watch a movie. Just don't ...

A Pocket Chiller: Flesheater


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Strip For Me is pleased to bring the Grave Horticulture comics of Paul Jon Milne roaring into digital life! A genuine modern classic comes to an explosive and expansive conclusion in 120 pages of TOO MUCH ...

Grave Horticulture 3


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Speckle & Ash presents two stories from the strange side of life, where the familiar twists and takes on new and outrageous shapes. In Speckle, we spend a day with an odd young woman, watching what she gets up to ...

A Pocket Chiller: Speckle & Ash


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Beneath the churn of a ploughed field, old secrets stir and shiver, reaching old fingers up through the disturbed earth. An arable nightmare from the fiercely experimental pen of Olivia Sullivan, sure to make you ...

A Pocket Chiller: Mutton Chops
