There's a new review of the first two issues of Black Leather on comicon.com, where Richard Bruton says things like this:
"...there’s a sense of something darker happening or promising to happen. All this ...
The Leather Boys

You'll be thrilled to find out that once more I have joined Gareth Hopkins to discuss, in strange depth, another issue of Alpha Flight, the continuing adventures of a bunch of Canadian superdudes.
Did I enjoy issue ...
Alpha again

Paul Jon Milne (GRAVE HORTICULTURE, GUTS POWER) and Douglas Noble (STRIP FOR ME, JAZZ CREEPERS) unite to bring a story from Ovid’s Metamorphoses roaring into brutal life. In this wild, outrageous retelling of the ...
Unfinished Fights: A Fight at the Wedding

“I thought I heard engines.”
Birds startled into flight, guitars in suburbia, a silent figure in black. A promise for tomorrow. Black Leather is a wild ride of heavy metal, motorbikes and the explosion of youth. ...
Black Leather 2

If you take yourself on over to The Shortlist, you'll be able to read me talking about all sorts - Jazz Creepers, Harpo Marx, Elisabeth Frink and more. It's worth a look, and was a lot of fun to do. ...
“A great sweeping thing”

Bound together like bricks. The beating of distant wings. An outstretched hand.
Class of 1922 details moments and endings. As a group of new graduates huddle together for a class photo, a tragedy is measured against ...
Class of 1922

“It was the 1980s”
A beating, a nightclub, the sound of rock music and the roar of engines. The bleached smile of a skull. Black Leather is a wild ride of heavy metal, motorbikes and the explosion of youth. A ...
Black Leather 1

Over at Comicon, Richard Bruton has some nice things to say about Sean and I's Sightings of Wallace Sendek. This sort of thing, in fact:
"Mystery upon mystery, the clues are there to be put together, but the dense ...
Mystery upon Mystery

Much to our surprise and delight, JAZZ CREEPERS has been voted Best New Series in the 2018 Broken Frontier Awards. As I said when the nominations were announced, this is absolutely down to the amazing ...
I Can’t Deny You Like Me!

There's a new review of Counting Stones up over at Comicon.com, that goes a little like this:
"Noble’s comics can be bizarre things, but they’re also quite wonderfully beautiful things. He’s the UK comics ...
Stone Gone

Jazz Creepers, rather delightfully, has been nominated for Best New Series in the Broken Frontier Awards. This is absolutely down to the amazing contributions of Paul John Milne, Gareth Hopkins, Sarah Gordon and Sarah ...
Vote! Vote! Vote!

If you're in London on Sunday, be sure to head on down to Catford, where the second Catford Comic and Zine Fair will be happening at the Blythe Hill Tavern. Last year, snow stopped me getting there, but this time you can ...