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From Chris Reynolds, visionary author of The New World, Torus, and The Cinema Detectives, comes a brand new take on terror. Chris likes to fuss around with his comics and put new ideas in, and a lot of the time this ...

A Pocket Chiller: The Sands of Fear


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Paul Jon Milne (GRAVE HORTICULTURE, HARD SHIPS) and Douglas Noble (STRIP FOR ME, A POCKET CHILLER) unite yet again to bring a story howling into the wild world of now with this third issue of Unfinished Fights. This ...

Unfinished Fights 3: A Fight with Sledgehammers


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Renegade master or not, I'm back, chatting with that Gary Lactus on Silence! Tune in and hear some unplanned talk about car indicators, thumbs for cats, A Pocket Chiller and my impressions of Hogarth's Tarzan strip. ...

Back once again.


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Mysterious tasks are set by an equally mysterious employer. It's a puzzle about identity, set in a world without names. Where no answers are supplied and the questions are left unsaid. A good turn. A locked door. A ...

A Pocket Chiller: A Man of Certain Talents


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Late nights, obsession, comics and murder. What are the strange secrets that lie behind a page of original art? What stains does whiteout never hide? When you bring something into your home, do you also bring the sins ...

A Pocket Chiller: I Claim The Souls Of All The Dead


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Top international Geometricist Doctor Scalene sneaks out of prison. There are some things he has to do. But he is scared… From Chris Reynolds, visionary author of The New World, Torus, and The Cinema Detectives ...

A Pocket Chiller: A Scent of Terror!


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Out in the empty scream of space, an untethered astronaut faces a weird rescue. What follows is a stuttering series of adventures, a gleaming string of violent visions, a cosmic picaresque of spaceships and strange, ...

A Pocket Chiller: Our Rebel Skin


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See what lurks beneath the skin of things. Substrata is an experimental zine by artists Sean Azzopardi and Olivia Sullivan. It is a visual diary of an unknown narrator attempting to understand the underlying nature of ...



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Join me and other fine folk for the Gosh comics and Broken Frontier Drink and Draw on Thursday night. You can follow along on twitter at the #GoshBFDD hashtag, and all the details are here - ...

Drawing, drinking


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As previously mentioned, issue ten of Colossive Cartographies is by me, and here it is for you to take a look at! The promised tree, brothers and crows all in attendance, and with more colour than you might have ...

An Unfolded Photograph


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Coming soon from Colossive Press - issue ten of their Colossive Cartographies series, this time by myself, as we unleash An Unfolded Photograph upon you all. If you've not seen the series yet, it's well worth ...

Coming Soon!


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Yet more over on Comixology! New Stories in Old Stone is a record larger than mere landscape - a tectonic history with its eyes on the future. It's the tumble of tomorrows rushing through time; a map of yesterdays ...

New Stories in Old Stone
