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Youthful Attack is the war comic to end all war comics. A break on the front. A dive headfirst into the heart of an explosion. A landscape that doesn't care. The end of the line. “Youthful Attack is yet another ...

Youthful Attack


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Some kind words over at The Mindless Ones from Illogical Volume. Go and have a ...

They Do Not Give Themselves Easily


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Kind words over at Der Tagesspiegel from Oliver Ristau, focusing on Don't Be Fooled By The Rocks. Go over and take a ...

Gefühl von faszinierender Befremdung


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Pre-orders are now open for the anthology Dirty Rotten Comics 6 - an anthology that you will be able to find me in once the comic comes out. I have a new comic in there called I Was A Doe-Eyed Nymph, which you'll all be ...

Look for me in Dirty Rotten Comics 6


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The Golden Cannibal Girl tells a new and complete seaside story, as five friends return to the holiday haunt of their childhoods. A brooding, brutal rumination on nostalgia, it will stay with you long after you close ...

The Golden Cannibal Girl


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Good news, folks.  I'm going to be in the upcoming number of Ink Brick, with a comic entitled This Quiet Cacophony.  It's another unfriendly romance, and I'm sure that you'll want to see it.  Now, if you do, you'll ...

Look for me in Ink Brick 4


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Here's the cover for the newest issue of Strip For Me.  Debuting at Thought Bubble next week, The Golden Cannibal Girl tells a new and complete seaside story, as five friends return to the holiday haunt of their ...

New! The Golden Cannibal Girl


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After my tragic no-show last year (trust me, there's a very long story) I'm very pleased to say that I'll be exhibiting at the Thought Bubble festival in Leeds next weekend.  You'll be able to see me in full effect ...

Thought Bubble 2015


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For those of you who follow the Strip For Me tumblr or my Instagram, you may have been seeing a series of images with the title "Golden".  You will no doubt be pleased to know that I'm working on a new issue of the ...



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The Gosh launch for Over the Line is tonight - do come along if you ...

Over the Line at Gosh!


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Above you'll see the front cover for Over The Line, a new book of poetry comics that comes out next month. Inside, you'll be able to find a new three page comic by me entitled UV. I'll point you to where you can order an ...

Brutal Poetics


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"As with all things Douglas Noble, this is not a comic to simply flip through and go from a to b to c, close book, forget." - Richard Bruton Here’s a new review of Agnoeema, the latest issue of Strip For Me, at the ...

Enigmatic Smiles
