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It's Thought Bubble in just over a week, and I'm pleased to say that I'll be there with that Sean Azzopardi at table forty, in Victoria Hall. Come and find me! There'll be comics and art and all sorts. I look forward to ...

Thoughts Bubble


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From the start of September, I’ll be putting new pages of The Lies of the Saints up on Patreon.  For those of you who have seen The Lies of the Saints before, you really haven’t seen this. Extensively retooled, ...

Patreon Me


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The second of my Amazon Kindle releases is now available. Building. Here’s what I say about it – Noel finds himself obsessing over a single mysterious photograph that he finds in amidst pictures of a night out. ...

Digital Building


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Here's a thing.  For those of you with Kindles, you can now get yourself a short e-book of two of my short stories, entitled A-Sides/B-Sides. Here's the blurb: A-Side/B-Side brings together two short stories by Douglas ...

Digital Sides


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This weekend be sure to join me and a whole lot of other exciting comics people at the inaugeral South London Comic and Zine Fair.  I'll be selling comics and art and such.  It's going to be all kinds of fun. Click on ...



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  More on The Dreadful Work as Tom Baker pens a nice review over at Broken Frontier, where he says this sort of thing: Go into the Brexit negotiations dressed like Christopher Lee in the Wicker Man and claim we ...

Pagan Bones


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For those of you waiting to read The Dreadful Work, the most recent issue of Strip For Me, in a manner digital, then today sees your most fervant wishes come to fruition.  Comixology are no doubt very proud to be ...

Digital Work


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What’s the worst job you ever had? The Dreadful Work takes the reader to the medieval village of Sandsend, through the beating of unholy wings, across a landscape wreathed in half-forgotten folklore. What nests on the ...

The Dreadful Work


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Hey, hey you! this coming weekend sees me at the London MCM at the excel centre for what is sure to be three days of  extreme comics excitment for anyone who comes within range.  Not only will I have copies of all the ...



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This week you should be able to point your lugholes toward the venerable Silence! podcast, which, in its second live edition, features more of me that you could possibly want. Not only do I forget the names of the hosts ...

All Quiet Now


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Over the course of a day, images return unbidden to therapist Karen Quinlan’s memory, brought on by the messy stories and everyday complaints of her clients. A key, or a beach, or a sunset. The things that she thought ...

After The Sessions


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New this week, Got Your Nose is now available on Comixology to buy. In case you haven't seen me talk about it already, it's a comic built of twenty-four statues telling the story of how they each came to be damaged. If ...

Got Your Digital
