“We stand back-to-back in our houses, yet we are still separated by a membrane.”
Professor Eldon is about to give an important new paper, but there are objections to his radical theories. In the space between ...
A Pocket Chiller: Eldon and Lendon

The final of the books on the Kindle and Kindle app, at least for the next little while:
Metropolitan Tangos brings together three short stories by Douglas Noble for the first time. In My Piranha the ...
Digital Tangos

A new book, once more, on the Kindle and Kindle app:
Two Scotch Stories brings together two short stories by Douglas Noble for the first time. In Marianne and Gillian Share the Same Sense of Fun estranged sisters meet ...
Digital Scotch

Another new book on the Kindle and the Kindle app:
Being Between brings together two short stories by Douglas Noble for the first time. In New Best Friend a bored group of teens argue amongst themselves in the ...
Digital Being

More new work on the Kindle and Kindle app:
Falling Blue brings together two short stories by Douglas Noble for the first time. In Shadows Fall Blue a man must learn to make peace with the crimes of his past amid a snow ...
Digital Blue

Here's a new collection for your Kindle or Kindle app. Head over to Amazon to get yourself a copy!
Another Dead Girl brings together two short stories by Douglas Noble for the first time. In Dead Red Head, two sisters ...
Digital Death